Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Jack Flash - Sonar Cousin - Subterrania Studios - S1 E8

More people need to check this. it deserves crazy amounts of views!! big up's to Jack Flash and Sonar Cousin

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Lego - Hammer Swagger/Whats Going On? (Produced By Seedy)

Lego and seedy have just dropped a free double single for your listening pleasure and they are both absolute belters!! get yourself over to the link and grab this. also if your a fan why not share the link and spread the goodness.


Sinoptic Music

some time i discover a great tune or two when im out and about but every so often i find an entire collection of amazing music in one place. i went back home to Yorkshire recently and met an extremly hard workin dude called ExP who linked me to this catologue of music that i couldnt wait to hear. if i was you i would get over now and grab yourself some stuff cus there is loads!!!


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